Pet Adoption Services, Inc
P.O. Box 534
Kenner, LA 70063
Dogs: 9

  Search Successes
  Donation Information

Donations in any amount are appreciated and are tax-deductible.

Adoption fees only assist in deferring the expenses incurred in attending to the needs of rescued pets in our care, 
and are not reflective of the average cost of care which often far exceed the fee collected. The difference is made
up through fundraisers and donations. PAS is 100% volunteer with NO paid staff. 

If there is a particular animal you would like to sponsor or a cause you would like to support (heartworm treatment,
spay/neuter, vaccinations, microchipping, etc.), please note such in the memo portion of your check or with your
paypal transaction. Please note with your donation/sponsorship if you would like us to mail you a tax receipt.

Thank you for your generosity!

Thank you for your support! PAS Venmo QR Code


Check or Money Order:

(Payable to Pet Adoption Services)

Pet Adoption Services
P.O. Box 534
Kenner, LA 70063

PAS Pet Apparel Fundraiser

PAS Pet Apparel Fundraiser - meet us at one of our pop-ups or fair/festival events to support us through purchase of pet apparel, toys, and supplies!
All items are donated and the proceeds go directly to defraying the cost of vet expenses. Check our events calendar often as we are frequently adding events, or email for more info.