Pet Adoption Services, Inc
P.O. Box 534
Kenner, LA 70063
Cats: 1   |  Dogs: 9

  Search Successes

Our "cocktail" for finding your lost dog/cat:

1) File a missing report to your local shelter(s)

2) Weekly visits in person to the shelter

3) Notify your microchip company that your pet is lost.

4) Place a LOST ad in your local newspaper.

5) Place an ad in Lost and Found on Craigslist (renew every 48 hrs). POST PICTURES!

6) Post flyers in your neighborhood at intersections for a 5-7 block radius and at businesses that will allow you to post flyers.

7) Notify all local vets offices with a flyer in case someone brings your dog in.

8) Utilize social networking sites such as Facebook. (Create a community page and name it "Help bring _____ home." Share
    with your friends and ask them to share.)

9) Email flyers to your contact list and ask them to share.

10) File a report with Wildwood Pet Network. They have a 90% recovery rate if their procedure is followed as soon as
      possible. Although they are located in Ohio, we have worked with them and successfully helped community members
      recover pets in the New Orleans area. Anyone, anywhere in the country can utilize this free service.
      Go to

11) If you have lost a cat, place a humane trap nearby. Many cats are very near to the home when first lost, but are too
     frightened to come out. They will be enticed by the food in the trap when they get hungry.

12) If you can afford to do so, utilize We recommend the 2nd option, since you can notify shelters and
      vets on your own. Click the link banner below to go to their site.


**Please remember to notify your original contacts when your pet is found! Also, remove all flyers that were publicly posted.


Good luck and please email us if you require further assistance with the above recommendations. We are happy to help in any way that we can.